Auditions 11/12 Thematic Universe
I/ Listening to Sonic and Vocal Manipulations, Affects, and ‘Covert Control’
- M: sound and silence in political speech. Not talking, the space between sentences, the musicality and manipulation of political speech.
- T: sound and cerebral or sonic manipulation, sonic warfare
- G: the voice in neoliberalism / ‘if you don’t have anything to say you don’t exist’ /Chion/Cinema
- L: sound as a trigger, sound as interpellation, the aural and visual in commercials, the emotive call of pop songs, coercive nostalgia. Why do we feel this way? [Example: Dustin Hoffman for Sky Atlantic]
Possible References
Jacques Attali. Noise, the Political Economy of Music
Butler, Judith. Excitable Speech: A Politics of the Performative 1997
Derrida, Signature, Event, Context
Jacques Derrida, "Speech and Phenomena: And Other Essays on Husserl's Theory of Signs, tr. David B. Allison
Jacques Derrida, "Speech and Phenomena: And Other Essays on Husserl's Theory of Signs, tr. David B. Allison
(Chicago: Northwestern University Press, 1973)."
- Michel Chion
Dissolution of the Notion of Timbre
differences (2011) 22(2-3): 23Althusser – IS and ISA, in reader
Zizek, On Ideology
Dolar, The Voice and Nothing More
Noise and Capitalism, (various authors) online
Caroline Bassett
Twittering Machines: Antinoise and Other Tricks of the Ear
differences (2011) 22(2-3): 276 -299; doi:10.1215/10407391-1428924
Suely Rolnik. The Geopolitics of Pimping
II/ What is Heard and What is not…Listening to/As Politics
R: Meta-narratives (Foucault), re-writing/sounding histories, the ‘truth’, documentary, sounding those who have been forgotten by history, the ‘low type’
C: Sound of spaces, listening to animism/objects and people, what kind of ‘community’ is constituted beyond the human?
J: ‘We can hear people’s pain’. What does is mean to listen to ‘political pain’ or to pain politically…unspoken conditions (the internship, the difficulty of obtaining a visa) and how they might or might not be heard.
Possible References
Keenan, from reader
Jacques Ranciere, Disagreement
Crimp, Mourning and Melancholia
Deleuze, G or Massumi B, on Affect (Milles Plateaux)
Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed (from reader)
Spivak, G. Can the Subaltern Speak?
Ultra-red : What is the sound of the war on the poor (online)
Mara Mills On Disability and Cybernetics: Helen Keller, Norbert Wiener, and the Hearing Glove
Colectivo Situaciones,Politicising Sadness :
Suely Rolnik, Deleuze, Schizzoanalyst:
From Stethoscopes to Headphones: An Acoustic Spatialization of Subjectivity
Glen Gould
III/ Listening / Perceiving/ Knowing and Not Knowing
B: Not knowing/unknowing
Shifting paradigms of knowledge related to sound and listening. What do we hear? at a very fundamental level i.e. in terms of perception
(example from art project or from listening session in class). Things happen in recordings that you don’t hear when you are there. What is the ‘truth’ of a sound? How can it be trusted?
On what grounds are desire for truth constructed? What are the affects on subjectivity/life when this knowing/unknowing occurs? What regimes of knowledge are unsettled?
Upon what are these regimes based?
F: Listening in relation to perception and the audio-visual [Chion] contract in a moment of misunderstanding Pasolini, knowing it only partially, through the visual. How to write from the anecdote,
How do we theorise from situations in the everyday?
Possible References
Foucault, Power/Knowledge
Foucault, the Archaeology of Knowledge
Merleau Ponty, The Primacy of Perception, Introduction I and III
Michel Chion, Guide to Sound Objects, tr. John Dack and Christine North (unpublished manuscript, 2009); originally published as Guide des Objets Sonores: Pierre Schaeffer et la recherché musicale, Paris: Éditions
Cogan on The Phenomenological Reduction in The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy -see Buchet/Chastel, 1983/1995); (last accessed 4 May 2011).Francis Dyson, "The Ear that would Hear Sounds in Themselves: John Cage, 1935-1965," in Douglas Kahn and Gregory Whitehead, ed, Wireless Imagination: Sound, Radio, and the Avant-Garde (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1992): 376-77.
Luc Ferrari, "I was running in so many different directions," tr. Alexandra Boyle, in Contemporary Music Review 15
(1996): 95 - 102.
Iain Chambers Sounds from the South in differences (2011) 22(2-3): 300-312; doi:10.1215/10407391-1428933
The Acoustic Mirror: The Female Voice in Psychoanalysis and Cinema (Indiana University Press, 1988)
Pauline Oliveros, On Sonic Meditation p.1-10 [elliot to upload onto blog] but first published in 1976 in the Painted Bride
Jane Gallop: Anecdotal Theory. Durham: Duke University Press, 2002.
IV/ Listening at and Beyond the Limit
C: What can be thought from the position of illegality?
What political and theoretical potentials open up? Is there an ‘autonomous freedom’ in the illegal position. How do we listen to illegality? How might we ‘listen to the illegal’?
J: Building from experience, from the experience of recording utterance. What are the ethics, accountabilities and formal processes that emerge from the experience of recording found sounds? [in relation to ongoing work on a housing estate] .
E&J: What is the sound of the limit of the classroom?
- time as a limit, scoring what we have done together so far
- where can we hear the limit i.e. the administration of the limit of who can come and who cannot, of where and how teaching is done, of the marketisation of the teacher student relationship.
Possible References [ more work to be done here!]
Charles Stankievech From Stethoscopes to Headphones: An Acoustic Spatialization of Subjectivity
Jane Gallop: Anecdotal Theory. Durham: Duke University Press, 2002.
Grace Lee Boggs, Freedom Schooling
The Autonomy of Migration
Alternative White Paper: In Defence of Public
Higher Education can be found here: tion-white-paper-is-provoking-a-winter-of-discontent/
Higher Education can be found here: http://publicuniversity.
Ultra-red. Fifteen Sounds of the War on the Poor.
Cornelius Cardew, The Ethics of Improvisation .
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The new issue of the journal differences is on sound.
We have included some of the articles in the list above but the issue as a whole can be found at
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